2022 Sep 3 - Treadle Power

This morning I woke with this on my mind so today I checked Craigslist for a local Singer Sewing Machine Cabinet. By early evening we drove over and picked this up.

I will be working on this in my upcoming free time (when I can).

To bring this home we removed the four screws attaching the sewing machine from the table itself - this reduced it’s overall weight during table relocation and reduced the chance anything was damaged. Once home Wyatt and I walked it up our stairwell (we don’t have an elevator) and moved it into our living-room for the next step.

Sun Sep 4, 2022 - today I will start modifying the table.

All the excess material is removed from the machine. The table is now on hold while I try to modify the crankwheel to marry it with the sewing machine belt attachment.

After much more thought on this and research, having spoken with a machinist etc. We’ve decided to scrap the idea of using the Treadle System to power the CSM and instead follow up with a pedal powered version. See our next blog post PEDAL POWER

Persons who have pedal upgraded their circular sock machines:

Posted on the 2.0 facebook group

-Hilly Jacklin in 2018? - a vintage gearhart mounted on a singer table frame with tricycle pedals and chain system. I learned afterwards that she noted online she first used her pedal system setup with a treadle. Facebook post

-Jenny Gibson - an Erlbacher using a reduced ratio modified crankwheel mounted on a taller table and perhaps adult pedal setup. Facebook post

-Connie Reeves - an Erlbacher used the same as Jenny. Facebook post

Instagram post: One |

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