Yarn Winders MAIN PAGE
A yarn winder is an essential tool - expect it to be an investment
We’ve diversified the information normally found on this single page.
Want to see manual winder examples? See the YARN WINDERS-MANUAL
Check out the most recently purchased wonderful Joyce Knit and Sews Electric winder system on the YARN WINDERS-ELECTRIC - this page includes other lowest cost winders for those just getting into the market.
For winders see the links above, for cones and cone suppliers, including trouble shooting see below.
The Royal Cone Styled Winder
THIS IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE MANUAL CONE WINDER - It goes by many names but always ONLY looks like the two shown (in either red or blue). Brand names seen include: Royal / Empisal / Brother / Toyota / Knitmaster / Silver Reed. This winder is no longer made but can sometimes be found on ebay or other online places. Cones for this winder are sturdy, stackable and can load over 200grams of sock yarn on one convenient cone! KEEP LOOKING DOWN THE PAGE FOR MORE INFO.
Making your own temporary cones for this winder:
The Answer Lady Knits | Spinning Lizzy Cardboard Cone
Using this cone winder without a cone
Some people put a thin piece of rubbery material on the winder and then fit a narrow tall recycled cone on this winder to use those cones instead. Others have had success using a specific brand of small yogurt container as a cone on this winder. Use whatever works for you!
Where to BUY plastic cones for this winder:
3 Rivers March Hare - USA | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Email: molly@3riversmarchhare.com | Selling Supergarne Aktiv coned yarn, 3D printed Royal cone style plastic cones, and more.
David Kettman - Lemont, Illinois - USA | SockMachineStuff Etsy store | eBay seller “dlk60439” | Email: kettmand@sbcglobal.net | Seller offers a variety of useful CSM supplies which include Royal 3D printed cones, Adapters for the vintage Bobbin winder to use cardboard cones or 3D printed Bobbings.
eBay seller itsix (see image below). I’ve found these with shipping to be the best cost per most robust cone.
Molly Haugen - USA | Email: molly.haugen@hotmail.com | Offering 3D printed cones USD$4 each cone plus shipping
RSTPrinting - Rob | Etsy | 3D printed cones for royal winder.
Strick Mashinen (Knitting Machines) - Germany | Website in English/German | Email: info@onken.biz | Cones, Multiple yarn winders etc. ALSO SELLS ON EBAY - Multiple quantities | I personally have used this supplier in the past without issues |
Uppingham Yarns - United Kingdom | Website | Email: uppyarn@wools.co.uk | Royal Cones for sale “referred to as hats”.
This supplier has sold them in the past with large quantities of the plastic cones:
Strick Mashinen (Knitting Machines) - Germany | Website in English/German | Email: info@onken.biz | Cones, Multiple yarn winders.
Is your plastic cone slipping on the mount? Use a compatible sized cone with a bit of rubbery liner to add grip. This also helps to add when using a bigger, slightly compatible sized different style cone.
Is your plastic winder slipping? STOP IMMEDIATELY!
Address any slippage immediately as any plastic can become irreparably damaged if the parts are loose and you purposely continue.
Shareable link: https://youtu.be/RYR950xGSus
I find these winders (when free of all yarn debris) benefit from a tightening or washer adding at the very top contact point. I’ve easily wrapped thin permanently placed wire under the top connector to push it into a more snug position (alternately I’ve removed the top special washer clamp, added a thin washer and returned the special clamp to the connector - be careful if doing that though as the connector if mishandled can get damage). For clarity on the top special clamp see the dismantling video.
Did you look away while winding and accidentally get yarn trapped inside the winder? See this video:
How to dismantle your plastic cone winder shareable YouTube video https://youtu.be/HZDFI8xjN58
David Kettman offers a variety of 3D printed options including 3D printed bobbins or these adapters to use plastic/cardboard cones on this winder. Dave also 3D printed Royal Cone style cones. When using the vintage bobbin winder one still needs to manually direct the yarn. The contact info for David is listed above with available cones and is also found on the SUPPLIERS page. See the YARN WINDER-MANUAL page for the vintage winder shown here and below.
Want a simple and inexpensive WINDING option?
Buy a single rubber stopper on Amazon and either use it on a vintage bobbin winder or a drill with a cardboard cone. Manual yarn directing onto the cone is needed.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/JQfr8M1zbj4
Facebook related video: https://fb.watch/bhfEz8pbJh/
Erlbacher - located in the USA | Website | Facebook | Cone link | Seller website can only process United States orders so consider emailing if outside of the states. Cones are 6 3/4″ high with a 2 5/8″ diameter base. This cone is compatible with their drill attachment simple cone winder that requires manual yarn guiding to load. | Drill winder link | What you see on the right is the Drill Winder attachment for cone winding using a drill. It requires holding the drill and directing yarn onto the cone correctly.
Pacaknits - located in the USA | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Video of Winder | Email: sales@pacaknits.com | NO LONGER IN BUSINESS SINCE 2022?
The Woolery - located in the USA | Website | Plastic tall narrow cones - Reusable plastic yarn cones for electric winders and more. Quantity discounts on 25, 50, and 100 or more. Dimensions: Length: 7”, Top Diameter: 1" Bottom Diameter: 2" | Cardboard shorter cones - New commercial quality cardboard cones for winding your favorite yarn. Available in packs of 25, 50 and 100 cones.
Base Diameter Inside: 2.625" Outside Diameter: 2.75", Top Diameter Inside: 1.0" Outside: 1.375", Height: 6.625"
Bobbins By Mollie - Mollie O’Neal - USA | Email: mollie@myninestar.net
Chambord CSM - Dave Lord - Canada | Website | My page with info plus contact |
David Kettman - USA | Contact info listed above with the cones.
Debbie Brandl - USA | Email: dhammond618@yahoo.com
Peter Caine - Paris, France | Facebook | Email: anepictree@yahoo.com
Presenting a new section: History and Ads for past VINTAGE yarn winders
This page is a work in progress.
Feel other suppliers should be listed? Please email me with their complete with a brief summary of items and info for website submission consideration.