Flat Bed Love Supplies and More
Alphabetically listed - have one to add?
Please email me at: csmloveinfo@gmail.com with full details on your request to add to this page. Please include this page url if you wish to add to this page.
Please note that persons offering supplies can be found worldwide while also offering a variety of services so to avoid duplicating all info all over - please refer to these places as well: SUPPLIES (menu) | FBL PUNCH CARDS | YARN | FBL SOCIAL SITES |
H V Crafts - Honi & Vance Frazer - Now Mission, BC Canada | Phone 604-581-1085 Fax: 604 - 581-4160 | Email: hvcrafts@telus.net | Service/repair machines - parts on hand for most machines. Sales and service for new machines. Most yarns for machines. Lessons on Silver Reeds (Singer/Studio). I personally recommend this contact for having your machine checked/cleaned etc.***
Lace Carriage - Roni - BC Canada | Website | Email: bcmknitter@lacecarriage.com | No longer a dealer but may have something if you are looking for a part.
London Yarns - Ontario, Canada | Website | 1615 North Routledge Park, Unit 24, London, Ontario N6H 5L6 | Phone: 519-474-0403 | Email: info@londonyarns.com | Facebook | Instagram | Some flat bed supplies and much other items.
SewKnit Outlet (related to the Yarn Guy) - Ontario Canada | Website | Facebook | Email: info@sewknit.ca and sewknitserge@gmail.com | 15 Gower Street, Toronto, ON, M4B 1E3 | Phone: 416-752-1828 or 1-800-836-6536 | Site is glitchy lacking control of address book entry with some products like the Singer Spongebar (whole piece CAD$40) referred to as “Singer Parts - Needle Retainer* for most standard gauge machine old#01195239” Email enquiries take 3-4 messages as replies to products regularly include “yes we have it” without item or url.
Andee Knits - UK | Website | Facebook user |
Country Knitting of Maine - USA
Custom Knits & Mfg - USA | Website | Phone: 218-238-5882 | E-mail: cknitmfg@tekstar.com
Distinctive Knits | Website |
Knit it Now - USA
The Knitting Closet - Judy - Florida, USA | Website | Facebook | Phone: 321-961-2963 or toll free 866-463-8810 | Spongebars and more but won’t ship outside of the USA
The Knitting Machine Center - USA | Website | Provides zoom flat bed classes. Prefers to not have their email address listed.
Knit Words blog | US Suppliers of singer reed items
Linda Williams | website | Facebook |
Smart Co Knitting - Rob - UK | Website | Spongebar | Facebook | Email: rfountain08@aol.com |
Spartan - UK| Facebook | eBay | WhatsApp | Email: perth_66@yahoo.com
Strick Maschinen / Knitting Machines
Sun Cheong Knitting Machine Co - Sunny Choi | Website | Email: hongkong.knitting@gmail.com |
Twisted Yarns | Tilt table safety clamps - one inch tube stand - two inch tube stand |
Artists who make and sell Knitware
Carolyn M Barnet - Ontario Canada | Website | Demo Video |
Punch card generator - The generator outputs a file that can be imported into the die cutter software and used to create the punchcard | Website | Ravelry group about this functionality | Use DesignaKnit to create the design and format the pattern into TXT format that can be used by your die cut machine. In DesignaKnit, when you print/preview the stitch template, a file named Diecut.txt is saved in your default DAK folder. This file can then be converted to SVG format using the punch card generator website
Misc useful links:
Knitting machine basics | Latched Cast-On Trim | Different Yarns for Different Machines | Learn the Lingo | Clear Water Knits Pattern and Tutorials | Knit Knatters Techniques and Demos | Raglan interesting seam join - Video1 - Video2 | Cable Join | Eyelet Join | picture knitting without intarsia carriage | Two style edging by Diana Sullivan | Dragon Fly Stitch by Diana Sullivan |
See the punch cards page with useful books!
using main carriage for lace:
You can do lace by using a finer strand at the same time as your main yarn and you lever to L
detail: by Margaret grey Karen Villines put in punch card suitable for punch-lace and lock on first row .knit some rows with your main yarn in stocking stitch ,now unlock card and then with the finer yarn in front of the feeder knit as if you are doing fair-isle, set your dial to L at the right hand side of your dial, then knit
Machine knitting innovations - USA | Website | Facebook | Email: knitshop.rockinghorsefarm@gmail.com
MACHINE KNITTING INSPIRATION provides patterns and techniques meant to inspire machine knitters to improve their skills and artistry, and further their craft. Each issue features 12 pages in folio format mailed via First Class US Mail.
- PayPal or credit cards over the telephone 320-252-2996 Tues-Sat 10-6 (central time)
First Class mail Subscription to USA addresses: $16.95/1 year | $26.95/2 years
Subscription to Canada: US$19.95/1 year | US$34.95/2 years
Machine Knitting Monthly | Website |
Useful supplies
I use this sistema container with the divider cut out to easily store my ribber and main bed machine needles within their corrosion protection paper - air tight to protect from any rust. The two sided green tool features a transfer tool and a latch tool (all in one). The “Easy Cut” is a simple Stick-it cutter that can be stuck in an easy area on the machine (or anywhere) to save you hunting for your scissors.
Prior to the flat bed knitting machine I rarely worked with acrylic - now that I am using acrylic more I found that my regular iron just wasn’t as easy to use. I bought this steamer and love how easy it is to use.
My machine is a SK700 - its a 4.5mm standard gauge machine. Even though that is the gauge - I’ve found it useful to use a variety of cast on combs (depends on use). For example I like to use the 7mm gauge metal combs to apply weight evenly across panels of knitting as they offer a even bar of support when adding the hanging weights. I have also created an UPGRADE CAST ON RAG (I call the Flat Bed Cast On Bonnet). See the BLOG entry.
INSTRAGRAM: one | two |
I was lucky and grateful to find a TILT TABLE for our flat bed. When I virtually attended a Diana Sullivan Flat Bed event in 2022 she mentioned a tilt table lock (safety clamps) - I bought some and held on for the just in case - they’re awesome. See Diana Sullivan’s video on the tilt table lock.
TILTSAFE security brackets | Website |
Booth Display components https://www.displays2go.ca/
AYAB - last update 2019 | website | YouTube | noted as software only for the 900 series brother machine
DesignaKnit - DAK? Do you have the standard, or the PRO? PRO | Cable to connect non-electric SK700 to the software on my computer | Find a seller near you - one seller is knitcraft
DAK Training/Courses online
Clare Newberry Patreon DAK learning | Facebook | Email: claire@knittingschool.co.uk
Learn DAK | Website |
Free downloadable flat bed knitting patterns
Books I’ve bought after seeing their recommendation online.
Purchase your electronic copy of “understanding the ribber” here
Books recommended by Julie Boylan of the Hand y Knitting Podcast
-(Episode 52/62) Scott Renno
-fashion knit course outline
More info on specific books
“Knitting Makes Dollars & Cents” by Charlene Shafer and Susan Talmage
30 pages of standard gauge projects including punch cards patterns. Can be made on any machine that can do two colors.
Multiple Hats, scarves, pillow, baby bunting with hood and sleeves, afghan, stadium blanket, tunic top, 5 panel cape, baby blanket, cover up, slacks, turtle neck top, baby gown, name tags, mittens…
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