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Please direct questions via email: karenramel@yahoo.com
Shareable YouTube video link https://youtu.be/EbKexOLtHI8
Have you recently become the proud owner of a Split Ring Cast On Bonnet? A Universal or Cylinder Specific Bonnet?
Before starting please note that when using a flat universal bonnet it doesn’t matter which flat side faces the machine however you will be working forward on the machine so ensure that the first ring on the top right side of the bonnet is what you first hang and then will proceed hanging the bonnet going left using the following info…
These instructions apply to all SPLIT RING bonnets.
Now the method: Please read all before trying.
Two finger rule - Start by adding the bonnet to the cylinder AHEAD of the yarn carrier by a minimum 2 fingers width - even up to a couple inches away is better. This is ESSENTIAL FOR EASE OF START. We only need to hang a ring on every second cylinder needle. *ENSURE ALL LATCHES ARE OPEN*
TIP: Initially you won’t be able to hang the bonnet all the way around because not all the needles are up…
Two finger rule - Hang bonnet ONLY to about two fingers from the last raised needle. This is also an essential point.
TIP: WHY THE TWO FINGER RULE? We only want to add the rings to needles that are on their up path - not those going down into the slots. More info later.
Now slowly move carrier from where it is forward to align it to just before first bonnet hung needle. Add scrap yarn to your machine - I prefer to use a clip (of any kind) to temporarily fasten the yarn tail to the bonnet instead of holding the end when knitting. Do not knit any stitches yet.
Our CSMs only function correctly with downward weight on the bonnet. We ONLY turn the crank-wheel handle with that weight applied so now you will use your LEFT hand to pull down on the bonnet under the machine to knit with the scrap yarn. ENSURE TO ONLY GO HALFWAY around the machine slowly. STOP. This will raise the remaining lowered needles and allow you access to them to hang the bonnet the rest of the way around.
Now add your buckle and stem weights with weight pucks to your bonnet. I prefer to use the stem weight with a total of three weight pucks. Some people use a total of two weight pucks.
ONLY for the FIRST row do you need extra care. Go slow on that initial row. Generally by following these exact steps you shouldn’t have any hiccups.
WHY I recommend these steps: rings will JAM on the initial row if you’ve hung the bonnet too close to the carrier or if you hung a ring on a cylinder needle on the downward path (not up). This happens because the latch hasn’t had the chance to close and create the small ramp that allows the ring to correctly travel up and off the needle. If you find this happened for you then simply free the trapped ring from the open needle and proceed until the initial row is done. Rings NEVER go into the slots. There you go. You did it.
Having problems? Please email me at csmloveinfo @ gmail.com
See this page for more info on my Universal Cast On Bonnet.
For all my videos on YouTube see http://youtube.com/c/CSMLove
Have you received a free Ravel Cord? Please watch this video for more info on how to use. :)
Interested in HOW TO MAKE/FINISH Cuff Down or Toe Up SOCKS? (with matched written free step-by-step patterns). See My YouTube Sock Videos
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