How wonderful! Felicia of SweetGeorgia Yarns has just shared a lovely video blog entry on YouTube about her CSM current journey. Felicia had been in touch in January and we arranged a in person info session on January 21.
Let’s be clear - Circular Sock Machines - while they have SOCK in their name - aren’t a machine limited to just making socks. They just make socks EASIER.
Some of the items you can make with this style of machine (starting with some of the non-sock items I’ve done myself)
Indeed often a new craft involves and investment that at first might seem a mountain and something outside of one’s considerations, however when it comes right down to it, aren’t you worth it? Waiting until you retire is often one choice but wouldn’t you want to use it now?
COSTS: Most of us cannot buy a car with the current funds in our wallet - it stands to reason that something as well engineered as a Circular Sock Machine will require more than a cup of coffee - however these don’t depreciate in value so if it isn’t up your alley you can usually sell it for what you paid.
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