2018 August 18 - Nearby events!?

Prior to this date I had found what little CSM info I could on YAHOO GROUPS.

Yahoo groups was a basic forum where persons mostly just added text. It was all there was next to what could be found on YouTube.

I personally found videos on YouTube to be presented in a fast-paced, mostly vague way where images didn’t necessarily show each and every step, or those steps shown were incomplete. This might have just been my perception of course but at the time all I remember is frustration.


And THEN I discovered there was a SPOKANE, WASHINGTON USA event in September - an event that if I had a car, I could drive 7 hours to get there and FINALLY learn more hands-on CSM.

Thanks exclusively to Kathy Howland, the organizer of this event for her tireless communication and suggestion to ask the event demonstrator, Steve Ashton of Victoria, BC to see if it would be at all possible to commute to this event together.

I discovered the Sock Society - CSKMS - with a minimal fee you get a three year membership - what a deal! Support your craft!


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