2024 Jan 31 - 2nd Annual CSM Love Knitting Hangout (August 3&4)

Announcing our 2ND ANNUAL August 2024 CSMLove Machine Knitting Hangout in Vancouver, BC!

This event is for persons interested in hanging out and working on hand yarn crafts (for example: hand knitting/crochet), machine knitters (of any kind), flat bed machine knitting or circular sock machines.

Don’t know anything about Circular Sock Machines? Check out my website or email me :)

WHEN: Saturday Aug 3, 2024 (11am - 7pm)* AND Sunday Aug 4th Noon-6pm

WHERE: Vancouver, BC - transit accessible (shared only with registered/paid persons)

OUT OF TOWN AND NEED LOCAL LODGING AS A NOT-YET REGISTERED PERSON? Look for lodging using a local address 8585 Hudson Street, Vancouver, BC. This is NOT the venue but a prominent building in the area. There are many local places to stay in Marpole (the area name). PLEASE REGISTER BEFORE RESERVING LODGING.

PLEASE REGISTER BEFORE PAYING THE VENUE FEE. Registrations close Wed July 31, 2024. Email: csmloveinfo@gmail.com | To register please provide the following:

-Your full name, your cell phone/email address and city you reside.
-You’re attending with a CSM (which brand?) / Flat Bed (which brand?) / Hand Knitter/Crocheter or other.
-Are you seeking specific help on a certain task?
-Are you interested in doing a demo (of any kind) or wishing to see a demo at the event?

Once ALL registration questions or statements are answered I will request the registration fee - please note incomplete registration questions cannot be accepted.

COMPLETE VENUE REGISTRATION IS $40 - this includes both days even if only attending one (payable before August 1st via Interac banking or via PayPal to the csmloveinfo@gmail.com . If paying via PayPal the registration is $45.

Having issues with PayPal? Goto my Taplink and send $45CAD via the donation link.

Prompt payment without registration will be returned. Did you email and not get a reply? Please email again.

To minimize cost, no food will be served onsite and no dishes used. Please bring your own water bottle and any simple snacks to share. There are many places to eat nearby.


Ideally while I, (and others) will reasonably help as needed, the focus on this event is for everyone’s enjoyment - without FIRST emailing me to discuss, this event is not the place to learn how to cast on (the very first time), to learn how to use your ribber (for the very first time) or to trouble shoot any machine issues - if any of these statement apply to you please contact me ahead of time before July 31st - Karen (csmloveinfo@gmail.com) with a detailed description.

*Our venue has opened a second day for our event - we are being offered two days of secure and bright indoor venue access - Saturday 11am-7pm and Sunday Noon to 6pm. At the end of the first day our setup will need to slightly moved aside and covered - with our event continuing Sunday from noon to 6pm. Our setup will be safe overnight.


I intend on bringing my Chambord CSM AccuKnitter, my refurbished Legare 400 and maybe my plastic Addi-express 46 needle kingsize knitter (on custom table I made). We will have a winding station (swift and winders) and minimal free scrap fibre for your use.

This venue is bright, indoor and spacious, includes chairs that can be used and thick topped (non-CSM) tables as well as easy restroom access, curb parking and limited under venue parking.

Consider bringing:

Everything you need for your event crafting, a name tag for yourself, a water bottle, your table, extension cord-and light (if needing your own power access) and something for under your CSM (to protect the floor). A small bag to manage yarn bits/garbage to keep the venue tidy. Last year we were joined by a custom dyed yarn vendor and they offered cash or credit card - please plan to bring cash in case we have a different yarn vendor attend. You will need to bring your own patterns and projects to work on (any extra yarn etc) and a blanket or something to cover your machine Saturday evening if you’re returning Sunday. **Please bring a door prize donation upon arrival of ball of 100gram yarn for the end of day draw. Have something to sell or want to item or yarn swap?

Need ideas? Check these out ahead of time - watch video(s) and (print sock step by patterns yourself and bring to the event as wanted). Interested in a DEMO of some kind? Interested in DEMOING? Let me know :)

My non-sock project videos see https://www.csmlove.com/projects

My sock patterns and step by step videos https://www.csmlove.com/sockscd

At this time we are waiting for yarn vendor confirmation.

Please ensure to check (this page) before the event for any last minute details.

If needed this event blog website address is: https://www.csmlove.com/blog/machineknithangout2024aug

Facebook shortcut: PREVIOUS https://tinyurl.com/2023Sep2CSMLOVE

FURTHER LINKS COMING: PREVIOUS: Facebook event url | CSM Love Instagram | CSM Love Facebook |

SEE ALL BLOG ENTRIES ON THE BLOG INDEX PAGE | Follow us on a variety of social sites see TAPLINK | Interested in Circular Sock Machines? See the CSM START Menu first page. | Seek something specific? Checkout the Index page.