While attending a regular friday knitting night event sometime in 2012, we had a CSM brought in and demonstrated - a Canadian autoknitter.
My first table I made for my setup. I do not recommend this basic setup as its easy to tip.
It was ever so exciting to see it in person as before that evening I’d only seen similar machines on YouTube.
Seeing this machine lit a fire under my butt for the want to also own one - that evening I looked high and low for any info on CSMS and where to obtain one. My only finding was one on eBay for under $1000. After communicating to the seller (who said the machine functioned as it should) and setting up a off eBay payment plan (it was a lot of money after all) - I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS - I bid on the listing.
Once the payments were complete the seller sent me the machine - it’s components were well wrapped in its heavy wooden open-topped original box. The machine when assembled, did not work as it should when the handle was turned. I was crestfallen and put it aside to be re-evaluated again on another day.
It’s 2012 and while I crocheted most of my life, I learned to knit in 2010 at a geek coffee shop get together. I once owned and used both the bigger and smaller Addi Express King Size plastic machines and I explored many different crafts. Prior to fiber I dabbled with bead and wirework, which I made a vast array of creations from 1990-2007. I moved to Switzerland in 2004 with my then husband, and returned divorced March 2007. I chose to donate my massive bead and wire work supplies to the Cancer Camp for Children so that I could positively help others. My marriage was a hard and lonely one and I had used my crafting to keep my sanity so being able to have it go somewhere positive was a personal choice.
2012 - My first hand knitting project was a knitted Mobius - the how to use knitting needles taught at a geek event in a coffee shop. PROJECT
2011 - While not my first project made on my plastic Addi Kingsize, first posted PROJECT
2010 - My first project added to Ravelry was a very large kingsize one piece crocheted blanket. PROJECT