Welcome to CSM LOVE
This website features free help and information for a variety of crochet or hand/knitting machines from Circular Sock Machines, Flat Bed Knitting Machines etc.
Navigate the MANY areas of this site via the ROADMAP page or simply click the upper right menu found on each page (see the three line icon)
Using a circular sock machine (or a flat bed knitting machine), an untold variety of items can be created from seam-free socks, to hand, hat and neck items, the blankets and clothing. This website offers a wide variety of beginner to expert techniques and learning including one-on-one free help for anyone needing assistance. Below is a small set of examples

Learning a new craft can sometimes be frustrating - I’ve created this resource as a way to freely offer information for all levels. I share much of my time (between working full time) with creating charity items (recently “Brave Bunny”) and helping others when I can.
While launched in 2018 as a Circular Sock Machine resource, we are now diversifying by offering universal access to a wide variety of crafting information. Not everyone is on Facebook and you should NOT have to pay to gain knowledge. :) Need help? See the CSM START LEARNING menu (or email me - see bottom of page). See many of the other areas of this site by viewing the ROADMAP page.
I believe we are always learning, and with this initiative, I am “paying it forward” and ask that you consider doing to the same for others. This site has only the very best intentions.
Please enjoy!
I was introduced to this craft in 2012 when a Canadian “Auto knitter” CSM was demonstrated at a knitting group I attended. I remember how I had wished for more information but hadn’t any idea whom to speak with about that. Read more on my blog entry here.
I’ve since learned that my vintage Legare 400 that I bought off eBay, was made by Pierre-Theophilus Légaré (1851-1926). His company specialized in “house items, cars and farm equipment” under the company P.T. Légaré Limited.
Unfortunately my Legare wasn’t fully functional when I got it - however thankfully Susan Forsyth repaired my Legare - see the blog entry.
This vintage machine sounded like this after repair (because it wasn’t worn in - its oiled like crazy I promise you) - it’s now smooth like butter (like a brand new machine - thanks to Chambord CSM.
More info on AUTOKNITTER or LEGARE see their pages.
Note that buying a CSM off eBay from a non-verified buyer might not be as pleasant as you hope - I DO NOT RECOMMEND buying a CSM off eBay unless you are buying from an experienced verified eBay seller (check my supplier section - there are others available).
I don’t fault eBay but the sellers which might even be new to CSM, not knowing what they’re selling, they pack it poorly and it arrives broken or the machine ends up being a non-compatible Frankenstein of parts, perhaps “not-fixable shape”, or simply finding sellers fraudulently listing a machine ON PURPOSE (or thinking the machine was good). Be CAREFUL.
This website is a work in progress. Please forgive any mistakes you see.
All programming, content and images are edited and provided by Karen Taylor (formerly Ramel)
This website and blog contains ever changing content and can include a vast array of subject pertaining to the circular sock knitting machine. This site contains my opinions and my own personal recommendations, this does not mean the web hosting service or anything/anyone related thereto, holds those same opinions. All information on this site is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, and therefore as I am human, there may be omissions, errors or mistakes. I would like to remind you dear readers that the information here is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only and shouldn’t be seen as the only way to do any one task. I do not want you to do anything different - just consider the possibilities of how it can also be done. Please note that choosing to use a method or recommended item/technique as described on this site is at your own risk. I am not a professional, I am not employed by any hobby related service and I do not receive payment for anything I've recommended. I reserve the right to change how I manage or run this website, my blog and all its shared components and that I may change the focus or content at any time. Thank you for your time.